Fruit and Vegetable Juice: How Food Affects Health

Fruit and Vegetable Juice: How Food Affects Health

Fruit juices may appear to be healthy sources of vitamins and minerals, yet they are high in naturally occurring sugar. Similarly, commercial vegetable juices are frequently heavy in salt, making them less healthful than you might expect.

Fruits and vegetables are “juicy foods” that are largely made up of water, but they also contain a range of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and fibre, which helps you feel full. Juice, on the other hand, is a different storey. When entire fruits and vegetables are processed into juice, the majority of the fibre is lost, leaving you with a less nutritious end result. Consider the following: A 60-calorie orange takes a few minutes to consume, whereas a 110-calorie glass of orange juice takes only a few seconds.

Fruit juice, in particular, is a rich supply of sugar from fruits. Juice is not suggested for persons with type 2 diabetes since it can quickly spike blood sugar levels. Fruit juice should also be avoided by people with high triglycerides, since the concentrated simple sugars in it can boost triglyceride levels even higher. Fruit drinks, which are not to be mistaken with 100% juices, are even worse because they include additional sugars and provide less nourishment. Because both fruit juices and fruit drinks are high in calories and poor in fibre, persons who are seeking to lose or maintain their weight should limit their intake and instead choose for fresh, full whole fruit.

Because vegetables have less sugar than fruit, freshly prepared vegetable juice has fewer calories than fruit juice and might be a good method to “squeeze” more food into your diet. Bottled and canned vegetable and tomato juices, on the other hand, are not generally recommended because they contain a lot of sodium, which raises your risk of hypertension.

While it is preferable to acquire your nutrients and fibre from whole fruits and vegetables, juice does include vitamins and minerals. Certain juices, for example, are strong in vitamin C and include folate as well as minerals like potassium. Calcium may be added to some drinks, such as orange juice. If you’re going to drink juice, make sure it’s 100 percent fruit juice with no added sugar or sodium. You can also manufacture your own juices at home, either fresh squeezed or pressed. Also, if you want to cut calories and sugar, dilute your beverage with water or calorie-free seltzer.

Collagen, a protein that helps maintain healthy skin and cartilage, is mostly dependent on vitamin C, which is found in various juices. Vitamin C–rich fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamin C–rich beverages, can help restore your skin’s vitamin C levels and enhance its natural beauty. Vitamin C is also beneficial to joint flexibility and hair health. Finally, vitamin C may aid in the prevention of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Some juices are fortified with calcium, which is beneficial to bone health. Calcium-rich juices can help lower blood pressure, lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, and prevent osteoporosis. Calcium may also aid in the relief of PMS cramps. Potassium-rich juices may also aid to prevent osteoporosis by producing osteocalcin, a bone-specific protein. Blood pressure can be lowered by drinking potassium-rich juice.

B vitamins, such as folate, may help to lower your risk of heart disease, decrease age-related memory loss, and preserve healthy hair. Folate also aids in the creation of serotonin, which may aid in the prevention of depression and the improvement of mood.

Aside from being a potential weight-loss aid, certain types of juice (most notably citrus juices) might cause migraines in those who are sensitive to them. Take note, IBS sufferers: Some persons with IBS are sensitive to concentrated sugar sources, such as fruit juice, and experience discomfort after ingesting them.

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